Thursday, January 25, 2007

A Model Of Consistency

It was another rather warmish morning at Pat's - the real temp was around 25 - 26, the apparent temp 29 - 30. We had a choice of 3 x 1k plus 2 x 500m or 4 x 1k. Recovery between them was supposed to be 75 seconds but Pat was getting our mob to run off after just 60. It was great to have CR Peterhorse along for his first PCRG session. He made the mistake of running way too fast, Pat made him do an extra rep like the rest of the speedy dudes :-)

My time for the first 1k was 4:00, my second one four seconds slower at 4:04, and my third four seconds slower again at 4:08. The fade factor was consistent :-) I opted for the 500s to finish to try to salvage a bit of self pride. I ran both of them in 2:04 (45 second recovery).

Can't say I'm entirely happy with today's results. Looks like next week's TT could be a bit sad for me. At least Lou and Big Stevie, two of my partners in crime chasing the sub 12, are in great form.

I'm not blaming the weather for today's results, though I do wonder if last night's dessert had more to do with it ;-)

Had an appointment with Adam (physio) later in the morning. He's given me the all clear to run on consecutive days, but to ensure at least every second day is an easy one, making a point that they must be much easier than normal. He even gave me a name for the gammy right hammy I've been putting up with for months now. And its not Sammy or Tammy :-) He says its tendonopathy ( as opposed to tendonitis).

So there's even more strengthening stuff on the list. If this continues I'll be spending all my time doing the exercises and have no time left to run.


Blogger 2P said...

Awww Tess - you are always a model to me ;-)

8:40 PM  
Blogger miners said...

you and that consistency of yours - I knew it would cause you trouble one day ;)

congrats on the 300 :)

9:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure your full form will be back to where you want it in no time at all. Having said that, I think your time splits are great. I find it hard to breath and get enough O2 when its as humid as it was this morning. So as you slide off into the distance away from me during each rep, I'm thinkin' your doin' just fine :-).

Good luck to you too in tomorrows Frappe 5. There's much at stake.

9:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep blame the dessert. Its always the after dinner treats that slow you down. Good to see you are back doing a speed session again. JD will be getting worried.

10:39 PM  
Blogger Ewen said...

So does that mean Sammy is opathetic about your running?

Consistent slowing is better than accelerated slowing ;) I think I'll give Pat's a miss until he brings in 200m repeats.

10:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG, and there was I complaining about empty calories. That thing looks like it belongs in the Guggenheim.

You know, about the time trial, don't think of it as sad or happy or anything sentimental like that. It is jut a number and a feeling you had when producing that number. It tells you where you are and what you have to do next. See here.

11:19 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

A consistent fade factor is important.

BTW, forgot to tell you before the 5k challenge tomorrow but 2p has previously expressed an interest in coming up for Warwick but he needs a bit of convincing ;-)

3:31 PM  
Blogger Lulu said...

You didn't really eat that did you :)

I know what you mean about the strengthening stuff. If I get any more I'll have to stop working so I can fit them all in. I've now divided mine into two sets and do them on alternate days and that seems to work OK.

4:03 PM  
Blogger Steve's Stuff said...

The splits look good to me.

How the hell do the experts calculate apparent temperature? (you don't need to answer it)

10:51 PM  

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