Sunday, April 29, 2007

When Bad Is Good

My right hammy has been hovering between ok, niggly, and a little sore for 8 or 9 months. But its never really been bad enough to interrupt my training, just annoying at times.

Following Friday's speed session it wasn't great. Then after 10k on Saturday it was even unhappier. That made me happy. Because it meant when I saw the physio later in the morning it was possibly the worst its been and when he put me through a few tests I could accurately describe the pain.

He quickly diagnosed it as hamstring tendinopathy and gave me a series of strengthening exercises and a stretch to do. I can keep running but for the next two weeks there'll be no interval work, no hills and no long runs. Lucky for me his interpretation of long runs is anything over 15k :-)


Blogger Ewen said...

So you can do two 15k runs per day ;)

Hamstrings are buggers of things. I can relate to 'niggles' hanging around for that long. Strengthening exercises are the best.

9:15 PM  
Blogger Toasty said...

i looked it up .... the same thing keeps coming up .... "over-use injury" .... i don't think anything over 15K is right ... try 25k

9:38 PM  
Blogger Don Juan said...

"When bad is good", heard that from Wayne Bennett and Eddie Jones too.

Good luck with the hammy.

10:03 PM  
Blogger Superflake said...

Keep stretching then. We don't want any more tears in there.

10:41 PM  
Blogger Spud said...

Bloody hammies! Hope it clears up soon.

7:34 AM  
Blogger Rachel said...

How many more secret niggles do you have?! Hope it sorts itself out soon, must be annoying.

12:51 PM  
Blogger 2P said...

Look after that Hammie Tess what we want is repeats of sessions not of injuries ;-)

3:25 PM  
Blogger miners said...

I like the sound of this physio. Most GP's/chiros/physios I see judge a long run as anything more than a walk

4:34 PM  
Blogger Peterhorse said...

is there ever and end to the list of niggles available to the distance runner? as you say, there's always a 'good thing'

8:43 AM  
Blogger Rob said...

Stick to the program Tesso and you'll be right as rain (whatever that is)before you know it.

1:12 PM  
Blogger Robert Song said...

Just 9 months before seeking help. Glad to hear there is someone else who is as reluctant as me to put themselves in the hands of professionals.

I can understand and accept an over-use injury but when you get cut down on a run like I did with my hammie, then that is puzzling and it still mystifies me.

Hope you recover quickly.

8:32 PM  
Blogger Robert Song said...

I was thinking of going along on Sunday. Your slow 5 min/K pace is faster than my current slow pace. Maybe your exercises are also better than mine!

9:26 PM  
Blogger undercover brother said...

i think u do too much speed work tesso.
head to the hills with me for a nice long run and that hammy will be cured ;)
had the physio suggested tennis ball?
hope to see u at warwick.

10:02 PM  

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