Saturday, April 15, 2006

11 Running Questions - TAG!!!!

I've been tagged by Wob!

Here are my answers to 11 running questions:

1. What time of day do you run?

Early mornings. PCRG (Pat Carroll Running Group) speed sessions start at 5:40am and our other midweek and weekend runs between 5am and 6am depending on how far we are going. Though in winter we are lazy and don't start our weekend long runs until 6.30am or 7am.

2. What are your favourite runs?

My favourite long run is Jolly's Lookout at Mt Nebo to Mt Glorious and back. Its 28km of rolling hills on a bitumen road through the forest. If you go there on a Saturday there is bugger all traffic. Running around Mt Coot-tha comes a close second. My favourite PCRG session is reps on the big grassy hill in the Botanical Gardens.

3. What is your favorite song to run to?

I have so many! But one of my favourites is 'Mundain To Bach' by Punjabi MC. You can't help but get moving when it comes on. Ironically that's what was playing when I pulled the pin in the Canberra Marathon last weekend. Its sung in Punjabi but I somehow find English words that sound like it - eg he sings "Nimya tu kuch der pa ke rakh le", I sing "Meet me in the parking lot" :-) I just googled it and found out it means "Keep your face hidden". Close.

4. What book are you reading at the moment?

I'm hopeless. I start books but rarely finish them - a bit like my last marathon :-) I think the last one I actually did finish was a play called "Dave's Quest" by Aaron Stapleton, an ex workmate.

5. When did you start running?

In the early 80s. My manager was caught up in the crazy totally obessive running boom Jim Fixx etc) and could speak of nothig else. So it was more or less to keep him happy that I got a little serious about it and started entering Fun Runs. Of course cheering Deek on in the 1982 Comm Games Marathon spurred me on somewhat. I did my first half marathon in 1984 or 1985. In the early 90's I became more of a gym junkie and started playing tennis and volleyball (both very badly) and only ran once or twice a week. I got back into the running seriously again in 2000.

6. What's your post-race/post-run ritual?

After a long run we have coffee and brekky. I usually forget to stretch unless reminded by my running mate Clairie. Same after races. Following BRRC races we invariably end up at Expressohead at West End, I think just because we all like saying 'Expressohead' :-) After the PGRG sessions I generally stretch a little (both Clairie and Jonesy are usually there to nag me!) and then get stuck into the yummy food Pat supplies - watermelon, pineapple, lollies, nuts, sports drink etc.

7. What do you eat before you run?

For mid week longish or recovery runs I don't eat. I like to do most long runs on nothing or a coffee. Others I'll have a little Usana Nutrimeal (a low GI protein drink) as it seems to keep the energy levels up. I usually use it before speed work too.

8. What's your favorite running accessory?

I can't get by without my iPod.

9. What's your motivation for running? (or why you first started running)

I started little runs, like around the block or the local park, just to try to lose a bit of weight. Then eventually got the bug (see Question 5). Now I suppose there are a squillion reasons, not least of all the social aspect :-) I really can't think of one reason not to run. I maintain that I'm really not a motivated person by any stretch, but I like hanging around people who are.

10. What are your running shoes?

I ran mostly in Brooks Chariots and Beasts from when I started until I had a bad achilles injury in early 2003. The physio and podiatrist treating me both told me the shoes were for somebody weighing 80 to 100kgs. I told them that's what I'd would weigh if they didn't fix me up :-) Since then I've I run in the Asics 2100 series.

11. What is your next running goal?

Aside from sorting out my ITB problem .... Warwick Pentath-Run. Its five races over two days and the total distance is 42.2km. This year is the 4th time its been on, and only five of us have contested all five races at each one. I'm the only female. So I'll be there again on May 20th even if I have to crawl.

I'm gonna get this thing moving and tag five people ....

2P, Shane, RunDave, Blkbox, Robert Song


Blogger Robert Song said...

Thanks for the tag.

Dory is my second eldest daughter, between Ducky and Delta. She took the photo.

4:32 PM  
Blogger Toasty said...

Expressohead .... I woke up this morning and had Expressohead .... I like saying it to. I remember the story about your boss, you told me on one of our first runs together.

8:36 PM  
Blogger Don Juan said...

Your Punjabi is better than mine.

Those summer starts are early. You should be running in Sydney: Wendall saw the light.

9:30 PM  
Blogger R2B said...

Pentath run is on day after my birthday.Wish you a quick recovery well before then though!

Cheers R2B

12:19 AM  
Blogger Katie said...

Thanks for sharing Tess! Nice to find out all the litle details... or the ones that are blogable anyway ;-)

2:57 PM  

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