Saturday, October 15, 2005

Ten Ton Tessie

I didn't eat dinner until after 10pm last night. Even then I wasn't really hungry, but thought it best to eat something - I always have this 'fear' of waking up in the middle of the night starving.

Today was my first run since Sunday at Bribie. So combining the lack of any cardio exercise all week with the late night feed I started this morning feeling so heavy, like I weighed a ton. I only ran 5k and it wasn't until maybe the 3k mark that I felt even slightly comfortable. After that point I tried to run some 500 meter stretches at the speed I hope to do tomorrow at the 25k at BRRC, ie 4:45 pace, but was way off the mark. The closest I got was 2 1/2 min.

The abductor pain was also there until maybe halfway, once I was warmed up it was ok.

Good thing about the 25k tomorrow is its 5 x 5k loops so if my leg plays up I can pull out and it won't be too far to walk back to base at any stage. Anyway, could be a long morning.


Blogger CJ said...

Good luck for the run tomorrow - hope your leg doesn't play up.

Its awful isn't it when you've had a few days off running and combined with eating it makes you feel like Dumbo the baby elephant whenyou do start running again(speaking for myself I might add!).

9:53 PM  

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