Tuesday, September 27, 2005

A Slow Start

Monday morning I didn't set the alarm to get out and run with the Regatta mob at 6am, but about an hour or so after that got up and donned the running gear. But then hunger struck and I knew I'd be cutting the run short to come home and eat if I ignored it so decided to have brekky and do my run mid-morning. About 10.30am applied the Bodyglide and loaded the iPod. Figured I'd catch up on some emailing while I was at the PC. Midday the sunscreen went on and half an hour later the shoes and I was finally out the door!

The plan was to do around 7 or 8k. I was listening to the covers volume of 'Discovered Covered - The Late Great Daniel Johnston' - this double CD has to be one of the best finds of the year. I was about to turn around head home again when I bumped into Pat McCormack. He hasn't been along to our runs for months so ran with him and chatted for a while. This meant upping the pace a bit for me, probably just as well, I was travelling pretty slowly before that. Then when I did turn Pat said he'd stick with me for a while, so there was no slacking off on my part. I ended up doing just over 10k in total.

Hit the gym afterwards and thought about another Pump class but was a little early so I just a 30 minute weights session instead, listening to the originals volume of the same CD I'd run with. I think I'll forget about the Pump classes and continue doing my own thing weights wise - no timetables, no being told what to do, no crowds, no crappy music, no pressure to lift too much, and best of all no squats or lunges unless I want to do them (which is unlikely). Far less painful.


Blogger Tamyka Bell said...


I think it's a great call to do your own weights. I do olympic lifts (or preparation lifts, like clean pulls, push presses, and front squats) because they work most muscle groups in one exercise. I only ever work my legs for power. I don't see the point in endurance weights because I can just run up hills for that, whereas power training made me run faster over short distances.

12:45 PM  

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