Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Back In The Swing

Being back home means being back at work unfortunately. But at least it means being back at PCRG.

Mon 5/11 - Easy 10k.
Tue 6/11 - 6k, first half firm, next half easy.
Wed 7/11 - 15k incl 4 GC hill reps.
Thu 8/11 - 10k at PCRG (4 & 2 min efforts I think, I forget already).
Fri 9/11 - 12k at PCRG (same as Thu but took it easy, ran there from work).
Sat 10/11 - 23k incl long green bridge loop.
Sun 11/11 - Hilly Lone Pine run - 14k.
90k for the week

Mon 12/11 - Feeling crook. Managed 4k on the tready but that was it.
Tue 13/11 - 13k. Ran to PCRG from work. Lots of 1min and 30sec efforts.
Wed 14/11 - Feeling crook again so rested.
Thu 15/11 - 16.5k. Ran to PCRG - 2x3min, 1x6min, 1 half GC hill, 3 full GC hills.
Fri 16/11 - 8k - ran home from work and then some.
Sat 17/11 - 19.5k in the rain (lovely!) at av 5:10 pace.
Sun 18/11 - 8k incl 5k Champs at BRRC. Ran 22:10, a 34 second improvement on 2 weeks before :-)
69k for the week

Five or six weeks of 'just running' after Melbourne Marathon and I've lost so much speed. I can't keep up with the usual mob at Pat's ... unless of course they're all getting faster :-) Still, happy with the improvement in my 5k. There's another one in two weeks time, hopefully I can run under 22 again by then.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Touching Base

Melbourne Marathon is now four weeks behind me. I'm finally started to feel recovered. No speed work for me still, rather just building/maintaining the base.

Mon - no watch 10k
Tue - rest
Wed - 14k
Thu - 17k
Fri - 14k
Sat - 19k
Sun - 11k

85k all up. Most of the runs were at Noosa so not exactly sure of the distances, so they are rough guesstimates. I forget the pace etc of each, it was a bit of a mix. Nothing too fast or stressful though.


Ramped it up a bit more this week just gone ....

Mon - 17k easy
Tue - 12k firm
Wed - just over 15k @ 5:25s in the morning. Cool Night Classic in the evening - 1k warmup then ran 'steady' for the 5.75k race (time 28:30). 22k for the day.
Thu - Ran the 5k to PCRG where the session was a 50min run plus the 1k no watch. 16k all up.
Fri - 10k jog
Sat - 18k Green Bridge loop (av 5:15 pace)
Sun - 5k at BRRC as part of 3 x 5k relay. 22:44 which was a bit slower than I hoped for. I felt good but not good enough to go faster if that makes sense. Followed it with a 4k warmdown. A very easy 7k jog later in the afternoon to bring up 16k for the day.

All up 110k for the week and not feeling too fatigued at all. Gotta be happy with that :-)