Thursday, September 15, 2005

Easy for some ... well, me :-)

Wednesday night was the Intraining Beginners (aka School Of Pain) and I thought it would be the perfect opportunity for a nice easy trot.

Clairie and I took them up to Suncorp Stadium, our usual haunt, where we had them doing what would have been a circuit of around 500 meters. It included two hills, so they ran hard up the up, steady on the 100m flat across to the next ramp, and then slow on the down before pushing hard on the up. They did this continually for 15 mintues.

I basicially just did the warmup with them, a couple of the hills and a few of the flat stetches, the quads didn't really want to do too much more. For me, it was probably just 3k or so and the legs felt better for it. But for them it was pretty tough, they rarely do a session where they don't have some sort of standing recovery. They were all totally spent at the end of the 15 mins!

Its really satisfying to see the improvement in this group, not just in their running but also in their attitude. Many are starting to set goals and look pretty determined to achieve them. Hopefully Clairie and I can help them along the way.


Blogger CJ said...

I'm yet to run this week. I've been trying to get out of bed and go for a run before work but do you think I can do that? Nope - my body pointblank refuses to do that. Which is a bit worrying as I have the 10km run on Sundays!

9:44 PM  

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